The Latest Release: Enhancements, Fixes, and New Features

  • 12 December 2023

Attention all ROUNDS players! A major update has just been rolled out, bringing a plethora of enhancements, fixes, and exciting new features to your favorite ballistic duel game. This update aims at refining gameplay mechanics, balancing power cards, squashing pesky bugs, and introducing fresh content to keep the battles intense and engaging. Let's dive into the patch notes for a detailed look at what's new in ROUNDS.

Power Card Balancing:

  • Several power cards have been reworked to provide a more balanced combat experience.
  • The "Bullet Bounce" card now has reduced effectiveness after the first ricochet to prevent excessively long bullet lifetimes.
  • "Rapid Fire" rate of increase has been slightly toned down to maintain fair play during high-speed shootouts.
  • "Shield Charge" now provides a shorter duration of invulnerability but recharges faster to encourage more dynamic defensive play.

Movement Mechanics:

  • Player movement speed has been standardized across all levels to ensure consistency.
  • Jump height has been slightly increased for better maneuverability during combat.
  • Climbing mechanics have been improved for smoother interactions with vertical surfaces.

Hit Detection:

  • Hitboxes have been refined for more accurate shot registration.
  • Network code optimization reduces lag spikes and improves hit detection in online matches.

Environmental Interactions:

  • Explosive barrels now have clearer visual indicators before detonation.
  • Map hazards like spikes and saws respond more predictably to player actions.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where players could get stuck in level geometry under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed bullets to occasionally pass through platforms without causing damage.
  • Addressed an exploit where players could shoot through specific walls by standing at precise angles.

UI/UX Improvements:

  • Enhanced menu navigation for easier access to game modes and settings.
  • Improved clarity of in-game indicators such as health bars and ammo counters.

Matchmaking System:

  • Fixed matchmaking bugs that could cause long wait times or mismatched pairing in online games.
  • Improved server stability to reduce disconnects during matchmaking and gameplay.

New Features:

Introducing three brand-new power cards designed to shake up your strategy:

  1. "Gravity Well" - Creates a temporary area that affects bullet trajectories, pulling them into tight curves.
  2. "Mirror Shield" - Reflects the first incoming bullet back toward the opponent within a short time window.
  3. "Time Warp" - Slows down everything except the player for a brief moment, allowing for strategic positioning or dodging.

Customization Options &Replay System:

  • Players can now customize their characters with new skins, bullet designs, and death effects available through the updated progression system or in-game store.
  • A replay feature has been added, enabling players to save and watch highlights from their matches – perfect for analyzing gameplay or sharing epic moments!

Map Variants:

Several existing maps have received alternate versions with different layouts or hazard placements, adding variety without compromising familiarity. This update represents our commitment to making ROUNDS an ever-evolving experience that challenges players while remaining fun and fair. We hope these changes enhance your duels and encourage you even further in developing unique strategies. As always, we thank our dedicated community for their feedback which helped shape this patch—now go out there and show us what you're made of in this freshened-up battlefield!

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