ROUNDS: Not Just Another Shooter

  • 14 December 2023

The arcade-style shooter genre has always been an exciting place for gamers who crave high-paced action and competitive play. It’s where games like ROUNDS have found their niche, offering an engaging mix of platforming and shooting mechanics. A unique element is the variety of upgrades that become available as the player progresses, allowing a remarkably free form of customisation to suit any play style.

Comparing Other Games to ROUNDS

Genre comparisons are particularly illuminating in understanding ROUNDS. The very essence of its gameplay echoes classics such as 'Risk of Rain' and 'Hotline Miami.' However, it's important to note that while these comparisons give a good baseline, ROUNDS carves out its own distinctive space within the arcade-style shooter genre.

Gameplay and Control Schemes

One notable difference is the control scheme. Unlike 'Risk of Rain' which utilises a more complex system, ROUNDS opts for a simpler, less overwhelming approach. The result is a sharp, responsive in-game control that enhances the player’s ability to implement strategic maneuvers and leverage their upgrades effectively.

Depth in Simplicity: The Sound Design in ROUNDS

The game doesn't just excel in mechanics and controls. ROUNDS presents a robust, albeit subtle, sound design that has a clear impact on the atmosphere. From the percussive gunfire and explosive artillery sounds in battle, to the abstract, lo-fi music that provides a surprisingly harmonious backdrop to the chaos.

Comparing Sound Design: ROUNDS vs Other Shooters

Compared to its genre counterparts, ROUNDS manages to strike a balance between keeping audio cues informative and immersive without being chaotic. The distinctive sounds of different weapons firing, coupled with the jarring audio alert as a character loses a round, all coalesce into an audio experience that complements the fast-paced gameplay and keeps players on their toes.

Level Design and Graphics: A Facelift in ROUNDS

ROUNDS boasts a truly unique aesthetic. The level design is minimalist, yet deeply engaging. It isn't just about battling in boxy arenas; every environment is carefully structured with different platforms to jump to, walls to hide behind, and objects that interact with the player’s actions. The dynamic nature of the design momentously ratchets up the level of strategy required in every match.

A Side-by-Side Comparison of Visuals

While games like 'Hotline Miami' have a distinctive, neon-bathed aesthetic, ROUNDS takes a decidedly different route. Choosing instead to use a two-tone style, contrasted with bright, high-impact visual effects, ROUNDS visually shines in its unique simplicity. This uniqueness, combined with the free flow of high-octane action, crafts an engaging visual experience, highlighted by the contrast between its graphical minimalism and the frenetic on-screen action.

ROUNDS: An Evolution in Series

ROUNDS' latest installment exemplifies game evolution, showing impressive enhancements from its predecessor. Unlike the earlier iterations where the bulk of the gameplay was based on raw reflexes, the newer version gains depth with its added strategic elements, showcasing not only an evolution of design but an evolution of the series as well.

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